The letter Z is the 26th and final letter of the modern English alphabet. It is a consonant and represents the sound /z/. In mathematics and science, Z is often used as a variable or symbol, representing unknown values, coordinates, or quantities
Z is a significant letter, as it can change the pronunciation and meaning of words. For example, "zest" and "zone" have different pronunciations and meanings than "est" and "one" alone. In many languages, including Greek and Chinese, Z has a special significance and is used as a symbol for various concepts. Here are 100 common words starting with Z, along with their meanings.
100 common words starting with Z
1. Zest (noun) - a quality of enthusiasm and energy
2. Zenith (noun) - the highest or most superior point
3. Zany (adjective) - extremely silly or absurd
4. Zeal (noun) - enthusiastic and dedicated support
5. Zing (verb) - to move quickly and energetically
6. Zestful (adjective) - full of flavor and enthusiasm
7. Zigzag (verb) - to move in a zigzag pattern
8. Zen (noun) - a state of calmness and tranquility
9. Zonal (adjective) - relating to a specific zone
10. Zephyr (noun) - a gentle, mild breeze
11. Zodiac (noun) - a circle of twelve signs
12. Zombie (noun) - a fictional undead creature
13. Zucchini (noun) - a type of summer squash
14. Zymurgy (noun) - the study of fermentation
15. Zingy (adjective) - having a strong, pleasant flavor
16. Zonk (verb) - to hit or strike something
17. Zesty (adjective) - having a strong, pleasant flavor
18. Zingy (adjective) - having a strong, pleasant flavor
19. Zonal (adjective) - relating to a specific zone
20. Zymotic (adjective) - relating to fermentation
21. Zebu (noun) - a type of domestic cattle
22. Zenithal (adjective) - relating to the zenith
23. Zymase (noun) - an enzyme that aids fermentation
24. Zaxophone (noun) - a musical instrument
25. Zebrafish (noun) - a type of fish
26. Zebuine (adjective) - relating to zebus
27. Zecchino (noun) - a type of Italian coin
28. Zelkova (noun) - a type of tree
29. Zemstvo (noun) - a type of Russian local government
30. Zenana (noun) - a women's quarters
31. Zendo (noun) - a place for Zen meditation
32. Zenaida (noun) - a type of dove
33. Zeno (noun) - a Greek philosopher
34. Zenodorus (noun) - a Greek mathematician
35. Zenosyne (noun) - the fear of the unknown
36. Zoanthid (noun) - a type of marine animal
37. Zoarium (noun) - a colony of zooids
38. Zobel (noun) - a type of antelope
39. Zocle (noun) - a type of architectural molding
40. Zodiacal (adjective) - relating to the zodiac
41. Zoecium (noun) - a type of zooid
42. Zoetrope (noun) - an optical toy
43. Zograscope (noun) - an optical instrument
44. Zoic (adjective) - relating to animals
45. Zoilus (noun) - a type of literary critic
46. Zoism (noun) - a philosophical term
47. Zolaism (noun) - a literary movement
48. Zollverein (noun) - a German customs union
49. Zombieism (noun) - a state of being like a zombie
50. Zonality (noun) - the quality of being zonal
51. Zonule (noun) - a type of anatomical structure
52. Zoobenthos (noun) - animals that live on the seafloor
53. Zoobiotic (adjective) - relating to animals and plants
54. Zooculture (noun) - the cultivation of animals
55. Zoodendrium (noun) - a type of marine animal
56. Zoogeographic (adjective) - relating to animal distribution
57. Zoographic (adjective) - relating to animals
58. Zoohyaline (noun) - a type of marine animal
59. Zooid (noun) - an animal that is part of a colony
60. Zoonal (adjective) - relating to animals
61. Zoonomia (noun) - a treatise on animal laws
62. Zoonosis (noun) - a disease transmitted from animals
63. Zoophilous (adjective) - loving animals
64. Zoophyte (noun) - an animal that resembles a plant
65. Zoophytology (noun) - the study of zoophytes
66. Zooplankton (noun) - small animals that drift in water
67. Zooscopy (noun) - the study of animal behavior
68. Zootaxonomy (noun) - the study of
69. Zootomy (noun) - the study of animal anatomy
70. Zootoxic (adjective) - poisonous to animals
71. Zootherapy (noun) - the use of animals in therapy
72. Zootrophonous (adjective) - relating to animal nutrition
73. Zootypic (adjective) - relating to animal types
74. Zoril (noun) - a type of weasel
75. Zorilla (noun) - a type of skunk
76. Zoster (noun) - a type of viral infection
77. Zouave (noun) - a type of infantry soldier
78. Zouk (noun) - a type of music and dance
79. Zubr (noun) - a type of European bison
80. Zucchetto (noun) - a type of ecclesiastical hat
81. Zymase (noun) - an enzyme that aids fermentation
82. Zymogen (noun) - an inactive enzyme precursor
83. Zymoid (adjective) - relating to fermentation
84. Zymurgy (noun) - the study of fermentation in brewing
85. Zabernism (noun) - a political movement in Germany
86. Zahir (noun) - a type of Islamic mysticism
87. Zakat (noun) - a religious tax in Islam
88. Zamindar (noun) - a type of Indian landowner
89. Zamora (noun) - a city in Spain
90. Zaniness (noun) - the quality of being zany
91. Zanyism (noun) - the quality of being zany
92. Zapateado (noun) - a type of flamenco dance
93. Zapus (noun) - a type of jumping mouse
94. Zaragoza (noun) - a city in Spain
95. Zaratite (noun) - a type of mineral
96. Zareba (noun) - a type of enclosure
97. Zarzuela (noun) - a type of Spanish opera
98. Zebrafish (noun) - a type of fish
99. Zebuine (adjective) - relating to zebus
100. Zecchino (noun) - a type of Italian coin