The letter Y is the 25th and last letter of the modern English alphabet. It is a consonant and represents several sounds, including /y/, /i/, and /j/. In some languages, Y is used as a vowel. In mathematics and science, Y is often used as a variable or axis label, representing unknown values or coordinates.
Y has become a symbol for youth, energy, and creativity, as seen in phrases like "Generation Y" and "Yuppies". Here are 100 common words starting with Y, along with their meanings.
100 common words starting with Y
1. Yacht - a recreational boat
2. Yellow - having a bright, sunny color
3. Yogurt - a type of fermented milk
4. Yoke - a wooden frame for carrying buckets
5. Yule - an old word for Christmas
6. Yarn - a type of thread
7. Yaw - to turn or swing around
8. Yea - yes
9. Yearn - to feel a strong desire
10. Yell - to shout loudly
11. Yelp - to make a high-pitched sound
12. Yen - a Japanese unit of currency
13. Yenta - a gossip or busybody
14. Yerk - to pull or jerk suddenly
15. Yesternight - last night
16. Yew - a type of evergreen tree
17. Yid - a Jewish person
18. Yike - to make a high-pitched sound
19. Yip - to make a high-pitched sound
20. Yokefellow - a partner or companion
21. Yolk - the yellow part of an egg
22. Yoni - a Sanskrit word for vulva
23. Yore - a long time ago
24. Younker - a young person
25. Yowl - to make a loud, mournful sound
26. Ypres - a city in Belgium
27. Yttrium - a chemical element
28. Yucca - a type of plant
29. Yule log - a log burned on Christmas
30. Yummy - delicious
31. Yup - yes
32. Yuppie - a young urban professional
33. Yurt - a type of portable dwelling
34. Yutz - a foolish or annoying person
35. Yves - a French name
36. Yvonne - a French name
37. Ywis - certainly
38. Yyster - an old word for oyster
39. Yuzu - a type of citrus fruit
40. Yves Saint Laurent - a fashion brand
41. YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association
42. Yy - a symbol for yay or yes
43. Yancy - a type of fabric
44. Yang - a Chinese concept of masculine energy
45. Yank - to pull or jerk suddenly
46. Yapper - a person who talks excessively
47. Yard - a unit of measurement
48. Yarnspinner - a person who tells tall tales
49. Yashmak - a type of veil
50. Yawl - a type of sailboat
51. Yawl - a type of sailboat
52. Yawn - to open one's mouth widely and take a deep breath
53. Yaws - a tropical disease
54. Yays - votes in favor
55. Yblent - bent or curved
56. Ycleped - called or named
57. Yech - an expression of disgust
58. Yelk - the yellow part of an egg
59. Yellowness - the state of being yellow
60. Yelping - making a high-pitched sound
61. Yenta - a gossip or busybody
62. Yerkish - a language
63. Yest - yesterday
64. Yester - a former time
65. Yeti - a mythical creature
66. Yett - a gate or entrance
67. Yewen - to make something yellow
68. Yex - to make a high-pitched sound
69. Yfere - together
70. Ygate - a gate or entrance
71. Yhus - thus
72. Yidish - a language
73. Yike - to make a high-pitched sound
74. Yild - to yield or give way
75. Yill - to make a high-pitched sound
76. Yippee - an expression of joy
77. Yirk - to pull or jerk suddenly
78. Ylem - the first matter in the universe
79. Yler - a type of tree
80. Ylik - like or similar
81. Yll - a former time
82. Ylo - below
83. Ymagin - to imagine
84. Ymer - a type of tree
85. Ymous - famous
86. Ynd - in or on
87. Yne - soon
88. Ynk - to think or consider
89. Ynkle - to make something yellow
90. Ynto - into
91. Ynu - you
92. Yode - to go or travel
93. Yoff - to remove or take away
94. Yogin - a person who practices yoga
95. Yoi - an expression of joy
96. Yokefellow - a partner or companion
97. Yolky - having a yellow color
98. Yolkless - without a yolk
99. Yoll - to make a high-pitched sound
100. Yond - at a distance