ఆర్‌ఆర్‌బి మినిస్టీరియల్ ఎగ్జామ్ సిలబస్
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ఆర్‌ఆర్‌బి మినిస్టీరియల్ ఎగ్జామ్ సిలబస్

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ప్రోఫిసినల్  ఎబిలిటీ 50 50 90 నిముషాలు
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మ్యాథమెటిక్స్ 10 10
జనరల్ సైన్స్ 10 10

ప్రోఫిసినల్ ఎబిలిటీ సిలబస్


  • Industrial Relations: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Indian Trade Union Act, 1926; Industrial Employment [Standing Orders] Act.
  • Social Security Legislation: Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923; Employees' Provident Fund Act, 1952; Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948; The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
  • Law relating to wages: The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Payment of Gratuity Act.
  • Legislation affecting Conditions of work: Indian Factories Act, 1948; The Mines Act, 1952.
  • Basics of Computers and applications: Input & output devices; MS Office
  • Right To Information Act - provisions thereof.
  • New Pension Scheme.


  • Indian Constitution: Preamble and Salient Features, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, Union Legislature, Executive & Judiciary.
  • Administrative Law: Nature and Scope of Administrative Law; Legislative power of the administration; Judicial power of Administration; Judicial control of Administrative action; Corporations and Public undertaking.
  • Jurisprudence: Nature and Concept, Schools of Jurisprudence, Sources of Law, Legal Concepts, Legal Persons.
  • Law of Torts: General concepts.
  • Hindu Law: Sources, Marriage, Divorce, Maintenance, Adoption, Gift, Succession.
  • Code of Civil Procedure: General; Suits, Execution; Appeals; Reference, Review and Revision; Written Statement, Set-off and Counter-claim; Examination, Discovery, Admissions and Documents Law.
  • Code of Criminal Procedure: Various sections.
  • Indian Penal Code: General; Punishments; Abetment, Criminal Conspiracy; Offences against the State, Contempt’s of the Lawful Authority of Public Servants, False Evidence; Offences affecting the Human Body and Property.
  • Indian Evidence Act: Relevancy of Facts; Facts which need not be proved; Oral Evidence; Documentary Evidence; Burden of Proof; Estoppel; Examination of Witnesses and of the Improper Admission and Rejection of Evidence.
  • Indian Contract Act: Agreement, Contract and Proposal; Acceptance; Consideration; Capacity to Contract; Factors vitiating Consent; Legality of Object; Performance of Contracts; Breach of contract; Indemnity and Guarantee ; Bailment.
  • Limitation Act, 1963: Preliminary and Limitation of Suits, Appeals and Applications; Period of Limitation; Acquisition of Ownership by Possession and Miscellaneous.
  • Specific Relief Act, 1963: Specific Relief & Preventive Relief.
  • Indian Partnership Act, 1932: Nature of Partnership and Relations of Partners to one another; Relations of Parties to Third Person; Incoming and Outgoing Partners; Dissolution of a Firm; Registration of Firms.
  • Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996: Arbitration; Conciliation
  • Consumer Protection Act: General Provisions.
  • Protection of Human Rights: General Provisions.
  • Transfer of Property Act: General, Transfers of Property by Act of Parties; Sales of Immovable Property; Mortgages of Immovable Property and Charges; Lease of Immovable Property; Exchanges; Gifts.
  • Right to Information Act: Obligations of public authorities; Central & State information commission; Appeals and penalties.
  • Company Law: Formation, Registration and Incorporation of company; Capital Formation; Corporate Administration and Winding up of Companies.
  • Labour Laws: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947; Trade Unions Act, 1926; The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948; The Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952; The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961; The Minimum Wages Act, 1948; The Factories Act; Payment of Wages Act, 1936.


  • Forensic Science : Rules, Laws, Procedures, Scope, Importance etc., Processing Physical Evidence, Questioned Documents and Handwriting, Fingerprints, Tool marks etc, Forensic Psychology.
  • Computers and its Applications: Evolution of Computers, Computer Basics, Hardware & Software, Internet. MS-Windows, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint.
  • Fingerprint Expert: Introduction to Fingerprints, History and Development of Fingerprints, Classification of Fingerprints, Henry system of fingerprint classification, various fingerprint patterns, Identifying individuals from fingerprint patterns. Lifting finger prints from various objects. Types of Fingerprints and Class & Individual Characteristics, Different methods of latent fingerprint development. Photography of fingerprints. Fingerprint Chart Preparation. Comparison/Verification of fingerprints. Automatic fingerprint identification system. Finger print expert in court. Expert Opinion Writing etc.


  • Chemistry: Atoms and Molecules, Structure of Atom, Periodic Classification of Elements, Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-metals, Carbon and its Compounds.
  • Physics:Motion , Force and Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Work and Energy, Elasticity, Sound, Light – Reflection and Refraction, The Human Eye, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Sources of EnergyRenewable & Non Renewable.
  • Environment,Ecosystem and its cycles &Pollution – Air, Water, Sound, Soil/Land and its management.
  • Maths: Algebra - Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Geometry & Mensuration - Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles - Areas, Surface Areas and Volumes. Co-Ordinate Geometry – Lines. Trigonometry: Heights and Distances.
  • Concepts of foods and nutrition; various food groups; Energy giving foods; Body Building Foods; Protective Foods; Effect of processing on food products; Food Spoilage&Foods Preservation; Foods Adulteration, Foods safety, Food Additives. Carbohydrates; Lipids & Fatty acids; Proteins; Vitamins; Minerals; Water; Enzymes; Nucleic acid.
  • Aims & Objectives of Cooking, Kitchen Layout and Organisation, Hierarchy and Staffing, Equipment, Fuel and Tools used in Cookery, Ingredients: Shortenings, Raising Agents, Sugar, Milk products, Rice and Cereal, Vegetables and Fruits. Preparation and Methods of Cooking - Preparation of Ingredients, Methods & Principles of Cooking Food – Roasting, Grilling, Frying, Baking, Broiling, Poaching, Boiling, Steaming, Stewing and Braising.
  • Basics of Cooking - Stock, Soups, Sauces. Indian Cuisine – Introduction to Indian Foods, Spices used in Indian Foods, Masalas, Indian Curries and Gravies, Indian Rice Preparations, Indian Salads and Soups, Indian Snacks and Chats, Indian Sweet Preparations, Indian Festival Dishes, Indian Breads , Preparing Tandoor, Types, Marinade preparation, Types of Tandoori dishes, Tandoori breads, Tandoori accompaniments Continental Cuisine - Continental Cuisine; Chinese Cuisine; American and Fusion Cuisine; Other International Cuisine.
  • Computer and its applications


  • Communications: Introduction to communication; History of communication; Tools; Fundamentals of communication; Types of communication; Essentials of communication; Theories of communication; Effective principles; Process of communication; Factors affecting process of communication; Forms of communication; Oral Communication.
  • Mass Communication : Eras of Mass Communication; Introduction & history of mass communication; Culture & functions of mass communication; Tools of Mass communication; Journalism; Press Codes & Ethics; Elements of mass communication; The Psychology and Sociology of Media Audiences; Models of mass communication; Theories of mass communication; Issues in communication; Mass media and public opinion.
  • Advertising : Concept, Functions of Advertising, Factors determining advertising opportunity of a product/service/idea, Types and classification of Advertising Display/Classified/Trade/Product/Financial/Corporate etc., Brand Management and Positioning, Creative and Campaign Concepts; Social and Economic Impact of Advertising, Advertising: Ethics, code and Law, Brand equity and advertising. Advertising Agency - Types of agency, Structure, Functions, Roles, & Scope. Agency client relations, Apex organizations: DAVP, INS, ISA, AAAI.
  • Public Relations  Public Relations; Development of Public Relations; PR in India; Public Opinion; PR Process; PR for Internal Communication; PR for External Public; Mass Media of Communication; Ethics and PR; Dealing with Media/Functioning of Media; Role of Writing in PR; Emerging Challenges in PR.
  • PR Management - Event Management, Crisis Management, Time Management & Stress Management.
  • PR Laws - Code of ethics, PR and Press Council, Defamation, Official Secret Act 1923, Copyright Act 1957, Press Registration of Book Act 1867.
  • Contempt of court
  • COMPUTER and its APPLICATIONs (2 to 3 questions) 5. Topic and coverage on Social Media like Blogs, Twitter, Youtube etc


  • Science
  • Chemistry: Atoms and Molecules, Structure of Atom, Periodic Classification of Elements, Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals and Non-metals, Carbon and its Compounds.
  • Physics:Motion , Force and Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Work and Energy, Simple Harmonic Motion, Elasticity, Atomic Physics, Sound, Light – Reflection and Refraction, The Human Eye, Electricity, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Sources of Energy- Renewable & Non Renewable.
  • Environment,Ecosystem and its cycles &biodiversity&Pollution – Air, Water, Sound, Soil/Land and its management.
  • Maths: Algebra - Polynomials, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions. Geometry - Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Area, Circles, Constructions. Co-Ordinate Geometry – Lines. Mensuration - Areas, Surface Areas and Volumes. Statistics and Probability Trigonometry: Heights and Distances.
  • Knowledge and capabilities of handling still equipment, as well as still digital and digital videography, Types of photography, exposures, films. Knowledge of software such as photoshop for editing, creation of edited video from raw footage, etc.


  • Philosophy of Education – various schools of Philosophy; Education according to Indian thinkers and Western thinkers.
  • Sociology and Education in the Indian Context - Sociological basis of education, Aspiration of Indian Society, Role & functions of home, school community, religion, media and state as agents of socialization. Education as an agent of social change, social adjustment and socio-economic development.
  • Education, Culture and Human Values - Meaning and classification of values. Nature of moral and ethical values; Value oriented Education. Value crisis and role of education in resolving value crisis. Meaning and characteristics of culture and its relationship with education. Indian cultural Heritage and education. Cultural pluralism, cultural lag, cultural conflict, ambivalence and tolerance.
  • Democracy and Education - Concepts of equality, freedom, democracy, authority and discipline. Human rights.
  • education with reference to child’s rights. Education and Integration - Role of teacher and Educational Institutions.
  • Psychology of Learner & Teaching : Meaning, scope & Importance of educational psychology. Relationship of Education and Psychology; Process of Growth and Development; Intelligence: Its theories and measurement. Learning and Motivation; Psychology and education of exceptional children-creative, gifted, backward, learning disables and mentally retarded. Evaluation
  • Curriculum and Instruction : Curriculum Development, Transaction.
  • Instructional Methods - Teacher–Controlled Instruction (TCI); Learner– Controlled Instructions (LCI); Group–Controlled Instruction (GCI).
  • Skills and Competencies; Means of Instruction Delivery.


  • Physical Education in India : Objectives, Principles and Components of Physical Education; Indian Olympic Association and International Olympic Committee; Role of Different Agencies in Promoting Health (WHO, UNICEF, Local Bodies); Concepts of Incentive, Achievement; Organisation of other Physical Education and Sports Event (Seminar, Clinic, Lecture); Use of Audio-Visual Aids in Physical Education.
  • Anatomy, Physiology, Exercise, Nutrition Diet & Hygiene: Physical Activity -Concept, Benefits of Participation in Physical Activities with Specific Reference to Health; concept, need, components and Significance of total fitness. Principles of Physical Fitness, Warming Up, Conditioning, and cooling down, Methods to Develop; and Measure Health and Skill related components of Physical fitness.
  • Wellness -Concept components, Significance with reference to positive lifestyle. Concept of nutrition, balanced diet, Dietary Aids.
  • Energy and Activity - Calorie Intake and expenditure, energy balance equation, role of personal hygiene, mental hygiene, sleep hygienic, occupational hygiene in physical education and sports.
  • Sports Injuries, Prevention & Health Education, Sports Medicine: Basic Concept, need and importance of anatomy and physiology in physical education. Definition and description of cell, tissue, organ and system Brief introduction to skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, nervous system and endocrine system.
  • Physiological factors affecting development of physical fitness components. Concepts of fatigue, stitch, cramp, oxygen debt, second wind.
  • Markers for training effects – Maximum heart rate, vital capacity, snake volume, temperature regulation.
  • Postural Deformities – Types and causes (hypnosis, scoliosis, lordosis, knock knees, bow knees, flat foot) Corrective exercises.
  • Sports medicine and athletic care – Concept and significance, factors causing injuries.
  • General principles of prevention of injuries - Common sport injuries (strain and muscle and ligament sprain, frozen shoulder, lower back strain, Tennis and Golfer’s elbow, Runner’s knee, shin pain, blister, concussion, laceration, abrasion, hematoma, fracture, dislocation).
  • Management of injuries (strain and muscle and ligament sprain, frozen shoulder, lower back strain, Tennis and Golfer’s elbow, Runner’s knee, shin pain, blister, concussion, laceration, abrasion, fracture, dislocation). Sport injuries and first aid.
  • Rehabilitation – Aim and objective, recovery (lee bath, contrast bath, hot fomentation)Therapeutic modalities (therapeutic ultrasound, Inferential Therapy Unit, TENS infrared lamp, wax bath, short wave diathermy).
  • Definition, scope and importance of sports psychology Learning – Concept and principles of learning, learning curve. Emotion, anxiety and stress management in Sports.
  • Camping for Recreation
  • Important games and sports


  • Educational Psychology:  Intelligence: Nature, Meaning & Measurement; Learning; Growth and development of Child; Personality Development and Adjustment; Individual Differences among Children.
  • Education Technology & Teaching-Learning Process; Communication Skills
  • Teaching –learning materials: textbook, multi-media materials, multilingual resource of the classroom; Remedial Teaching.
  • Computer and its Applications


  • Appreciation of music, Bada Khayal and Chota Khayal, Brief History of BharatnatyaShatra and Sangeet Ratnakar, Classification of music.
  • Concept of rags and talas in Indian music, classification of ragas, concept singing, different gharanas and their histories, evolution of notation system, forms of light music.
  • History of Indian music, arts, importance of music festivals/ seminars/ conferences.
  • Laws of acoustics, musical sound wave motion, frequency pitch, volume
  • Music and Literature, Place of music in fine arts, Role of music in multimedia, Taal study, Vocal and Instrumental music
  • Computer and its Applications